Over the past week we have had amazing visitors from the Netherlands. A group of Fontys Academy students started a project: Stichting Femmelody’s Sound of Development program. During this week the girls were introduced to several types of music in a creative way. They listened to Rock music and made their own instruments to create Rock music. They went back to the roots of HipHop and Reggae music, and of course there was some dancing as well! They experienced Electronic Dance Music (EDM), which was completely new to them. The last day was all about POP music, after learning about its history the girls prepared a dance for the party organised later that evening, during this party the girls got to show family, friends and the teachers and volunteers who are usually at the DART house what they have experienced over the past week. And check out that gorgeous cake!
At the end of the week the group handed over a laptop with elements of the Sound Of Development Program on it, for the girls. Music is very powerful, it can help you and it can bring people together. We are moved by the efforts of these Femmelody students to let our girls experience music in this way.
Thanking Stichting Femmelody: Şenay Konuş, Max van der Heijden, Ilse Maas, Bonita Van ‘t Westeinde, Nora Yacoubi the students of Fontys Academy who made the Sound Of Development program happen!